

TULI Integrative Ultrasonic Level Meter

Liquid level measurement in industry, especially in water treatment industry
● Water and sewage treatment
The set of wells, pumping stations, biochemical reaction tank, sedimentation tank, mud storage tank
● Electric power, mine
The pond, pool, water treatment of coal slurry

Classicalultrasonic echo analysis. The ultrasonic transducer sends out the ultrasonicpulse to be reflected by the surface of the measured medium, and the reflectedecho is received by the same transducer and converted into an electricalsignal. The ultrasonic pulse travels at the speed of sound waves, which isproportional to the distance between the ultrasonic wave and the received echo.Therefore, the distance between the sensor and the liquid surface can becalculated by measuring and analyzing the time difference of the ultrasonicsignal returned from the liquid level. Since the launch of the ultrasonic pulsewith a certain width, the distance of reflection waves small region near thetransducer and transmitted wave overlap, unable to identify, cannot measure thedistance value. This area is called the blind area. We use intelligenttransmitting pulse width adjustment technology, according to the receivedreflected wave signal intensity automatically adjusts the pulse width of theemission, which can adjust the measuring blind area size, the instrument canwork in a smaller area.

● Rugged, stable sensors for harsh industrial applications;
● The unique echo processing technology and the advanced algorithm which can enrich the field experience can effectively overcome the interference of foam and panting;
● The ultrasonic transducer adopts imported piezoelectric ceramic material and acoustic matching technology to improve the efficiency of the transmitter;
● The temperature sensor is used to realize the real-time automatic temperature compensation;
● Automatic control of the program to automatically adjust the amount of energy and small blind area;
● Blind area can also be manually set, shielding near the probe signal;
● Simple installation, easy to use.

Measurement performance
● Measurement range: 0~5m, 0~10m, 0~15m
● Blind area: 0.4m, 0.4m, 0.5m
● Firing angle: 5°, 5°, 3°
● Resolution: 0.001m
● Accuracy: ±0.5%FS
● Repeatability: ±3mm
● Temperature compensation: automatic temperature compensation
● Display: automatic liquid crystal display
● Site settings: completed by the transmitter button
● Analog output: two wire or four wire 4~20mA
● Fault output: 20.5mA, 22mA, 3.9mA
Power supply
● Two wire system: 16~36VDC,22.5mA
● Four wire system: 24VDC/220VAC,1VA
Physical properties
● Transducer: PU/PC
● Transducer seal: silicone
● Housing: Aluminum
● Housing seal: silicone rubber
● Top cover windows: Polycarbonate
● Ground terminal: stainless steel
● Weight: 2kg or 3kg (depending on process link)
● Protection level: IP67
● Explosion proof grade: Exia IIB T6 ga
● Connection: thread M66 * 2 (0~5m, 0~10m) thread M95 * 2 (0~15m); bracket or flange
Environment performance
● Process temperature: -40℃~70℃
● Working pressure:-0.02MPa~0.1MPa